So, I realized recently I haven't been blogging.
Well, I didn't JUST notice it... I have known I wasn't doing it for a while. But it was recently that I had the thought "Geez, I need to write something!" Earlier today I did a quickie, just to share my email, and maybe light a fire?
But anyway... What have I been up to?
It's the end of the school year. I have 10 1/2 more days left with kids at school. This week I've been testing the Extend II 3rd and 4th graders. Next week it's the "Ready EOG" exams. The Pep Rally is Tuesday, then we test Wednesday and Thursday. Friday is the makeup day for absences. The following week will consist of field day, fun day, inflatable city day, the school barbeque, and 4th grade graduation. And yes, they all "pass," whether they deserve to or not. Next year the EOG will be catching about 40% of our kids and forcing retention and we'll be MAJORLY overcrowded.
Honestly, this year hasn't been as hard or stressful as the past few. I worked my bootie off to get my inventory done. I'm down to about 21 missing items. Not bad considering my lack of walls to keep people from taking things. My annual AMTR report is done -- other than all the changes they keep giving us. For YEARS now it's been "Don't count things central office issues -- central office records those..." and "Don't count the TRI laptops and iPads, they aren't ours until the program ends..." Then, after I'm finished with my report and I get my principal to sign off my boss emails that we are now going to start counting all this stuff -- and more! UGH!!
Of course at the rate my tech person "loses" our computers... There aren't all that many to count anymore. How do you lose 60 some-odd desktop computers?? Really??? And all the laptops we've had? Gone. Over the summer she somehow lost all of their power cords, so none were given out this year. Now they're gone entirely. Um... is someone making some cash on the side pawning this stuff or what?
But anyway... I had science classes added to my list of things to do... I had to teach biomes and animal adaptations to 4th graders. Not all, just the ones on grade-level while they did remediation with the other kids. I put a Media twist on it, though. They were researching the biomes, and the plants and animals in them so they could decide for themselves about the interdependencies and adaptations. It was a nice little project I found on pinterest.
Speaking of pinterest... I'd discovered this a while ago... I got sucked in right away and noticed how it, like a vacuum, just sucked my day away. I don't know where the time goes, as I sit and scroll... But anyway, I haven't been sitting myself down at my computer at all much lately -- opting instead to hang with my daughter and do any surfing or whatnot on my iPhone. Well, then I noticed there's a pinterest app and that got me re-hooked. Now I'm back to using my computer to scroll through pinterest when I can't see stuff big enough on my phone. But I'm LOVING it!!
For dinner so far this week... Monday I just grilled chicken. Tuesday we made very unhealthy pepperoni rollups I found on pinterest, and then today it was funeral sandwiches... Easy, simple, delish...
Other than all this, I guess life is still the same. I work 7 days a week for a few more weeks... Then SUMMER!! I've been working on my lessons for next year. I'm ASSUMING I'll still be stuck teaching guided reading and acceleration, wasting half my day... The problems with this are:
1. I hate it.
2. I feel it's a HUGE waste of time.
3. I haaaaaaate it.
4. I can't teach as many classes because half my day is devoted to this 4 days/ week. Plus character ed...
5. I miss almost all my grade levels PLC meetings because I'm stuck with a reading group half the day when they're having their meetings so it's hard to collaborate, let alone get them signed up or even know what it is they're working on.
6. Did I mention that I haaaaate it and think it's a huge waste of time??
But anyway, I figured if I had a weekly plan, I could let my teachers know in advance that this is what skill I'll be working on. If they want to partake, sign up. If they don't, it's their responsibility to teach their kids that skill. So I've been working on a weekly plan. Not actual lesson plans, but more of a scope and sequence timeline. I'll probably post the link when I have it done. If I think of it. Maybe I'll actually have time once summer comes around. :)
OH! And Battle of the Books! I've been working on reading the books and writing questions. I just finished Belly Up by Stuart Gibbs. The kids are going to LOVE it!! Here's a cute glogster about it:
Well, it's late and I need to start thinking about bed... My dog's already passed out and hogging it. I take that back -- I just glanced over and he's abandoned me. So I should probably get while the getting's good. Good night, all! I'll try to be better about posting. :)
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