Well, testing is complete. The 3rd and 4th graders spent the last 2 days showing what they know, to the best of their ability. I really hate that they have it all come down to this final exam... Why can't they show what they know all year?? Some kids just don't test well, and some are just too nervous about this ONE STUPID TEST to do well. They're nauseous (if not throwing up), tired because their nerves kept them up at night worrying, hungry because they were too nervous to eat the last few days...
Oh well, there isn't anything we, as teachers, can do about it.
And best of all... They're done!
So today... Hmmmm... I don't know what they'll do today. After the last few days of torture, I hope their teachers let them go out and play! Which is how next week will be spent:
Monday: Field Day/Fun Day (half the school does field day, the other half does "fun" day, which is just non-competitive games). Also Ms. Boyer's Grant Reception, hosted in my Media Center in the afternoon. Her kids did such a great job!!
Tuesday: Inflatable City and the school-wide end-of-the-year barbecue (which I'm proud to say started a few years ago as a 2nd grade barbecue while I was there, then first grade did it, as well, the following year, and then my principal thought it was such a great idea that she got the whole school to do it together).
Wednesday: Field Day/Fun Day again! Switching off. Also the schoolwide talent show that afternoon, and then we'll also have a reception in the Media Center for the participants afterward.
Thursday: Awards Day
Friday: Pre-K, then Kindergarten Graduation, followed by... Fourth Grade Graduation (yes, our kids go to middle school as 5th graders -- there are a couple schools here who've had to do that because of overcrowding). And then it's early release at 1!! YAY!!!
Oh, and I'm almost done with planning next year out. So much for collaboration... Although I haven't gone so far as to choose books, and I planned it out keeping in mind what they kids will be studying at the time so it will tie back in without even having to go ask the teachers what they're working on. There are certain units they always do at the same time every year... I've got it saved as a Word document, but I'll upload it to my Google Drive and share the link in a later post.
Off to work! (I'm so jealous, my kids are off today -- my son's finished, and my daughter doesn't have to go in for another test until next week!)
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