Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Busy, busy, busy!!!

I have been busy, busy, busy... To say the least!!  The teachers are bringing their classes, and there are always random kids in (swarms!) checking out books. My assistant and I are struggling to keep up with all the books!!

We had a media meeting last week and out Follett representative, Karei Swift, was there. He was talking about how important it is that we focus on our Nonfiction collections because that's what the Common Core calls for. I do definitely see the need, but it's not what they're choosing to read.  Other than football and animal books, they mostly gravitate to the fiction. 

This is my return cart from the last class of the day. The top shelf is fiction -- chapter books and picture books.  The bottom shelf is nonfiction -- easy and regular.  So...  More of the fiction they love, and I'll keep plugging away on the nonfiction, but I don't want to focus too heavily on it. 

And!!!  My book fair, which was scheduled for the 7th -15th of October, is coming on the 2nd so I'll be selling longer than usual. Scholastic must be looking to make more money, too.  Still don't have the mess cleared out of the library to be able to fit this stuff in there though. My principal called Operations herself to see if she could hurry them along and found out our person never submitted the request. Grrrrrrrrrr!!

Oh!  And iOs7 just came out last week.  I had to push an update to the iPads, but it triggered that to install. I didn't have it on the MacBook to push, it did it on its own. That crashed an entire cart of 30 iPads. I haven't touched the other two carts for fear they'll face the same tragic demise...  And we wait for Diagnostic to come reimage the ones I messed up. It kinda sucks that we spend so much time waiting on outside entities to make their way in. It would be nice if the schools could be a little more self-sufficient. 

I've been busy with tracking who has/has not signed their responsible use policies, lining up book fair volunteers, cleaning out the back workroom which will be open as a mini computer lab by Monday, and reshelving books like there's no tomorrow.  I feel a little swamped. But I'm also scouring the net looking for lesson ideas and things to try with the kids.  

The layout of the library is just so frustrating.  There isn't a good way to keep the kids who have found their books.  If I sit them in a line by the doors, they're in the way.  If I sit them back on the carpet, they read magazines or friends' books and aren't getting handed shelf markers to get their turn. There are so many people coming in to use the library I can't use it myself.  I can't seat the kids who found books at tables to read silently. And I couldn't even teach my Dewey lesson yesterday because the ESL teacher was using that side of the library for her groups. And they all love to look in the catalog for books instead of browsing the stacks so it takes them an eternity to choose books. 

I'll get it all figured out eventually, but for now it's kinda irritating. 

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